Favour is a shield, but remember that favour is not wished, it is provoked. It is not even a function of prayer as such. I tell you, if you will divert seventy-five percent of the energy you use in praying for favour to take instructions from God’s word and follow them diligently, you will be shielded on every side with favour. Often times we are more eager to hear what God will do for us than what God wants us to do, but until you know what God wants you to do and you do it, He will never do for you what He has promised.
Joseph is one man in the Bible who enjoyed tremendous favour but he was a diligent and faithful worker. From Potiphar’s house to the prison and then to the palace. If you must enjoy favour above your peers and colleagues, you must give a different approach to your work. How do you expect to be favoured at work when you are always late? You don’t have a right to complain about the management or the government because you are a chief contributor to the problems they are trying to solve! Do you know what one hour of lack of productivity means to the economy of that establishment or the nation? You can’t expect God to surround you with favour as a shield when you are misrepresenting Him every day. Joseph was a true representative of God everywhere he was found. He did not give in to immorality despite the pressure, he was faithful with everything that was committed into his hand, no wonder he enjoyed such favour.
A diligent worker does not need fear retrenchment because his diligence will speak for him, it will become a shield of favour for him. There are many unbelievers who obey the principles of diligence and faithfulness so they enjoy promotions, even more than some believers. The Bile says, “And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good?” (1 Peter 3:13-14). When you are a follower of good you naturally enjoy a shied of favour. You will never lack favour again, from this day.
To contact me, you can send your email to: pastorsteves22@gmail.com, pastorstevesm@gmail.com or pastorsteves@yahoo.com or better still on phone: +2348030838770, +2348079949541.
Looking forward to hearing from you, Shalom!