There is an appointed place where ‘
destinies’ happens at a natural frequency.
Matthew 18: 20 says, “Where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them...” For the Lord has chosen Zion and appointed it for his habitation (
Psalms 132: 13-16). Zion, the Church is God’s habitation. It is a place of fellowship where God commands His blessing (
Psalms 133: 1-3). Unusual things happen when we come together in God’s presence because of the corporate nature of our faith and the unity of the spirit. The word of God makes us understand that because the Apostles were in fellowship many signs and wonders were performed by them (
Acts 5; 2, 4: 33).
Not being in fellowship therefore means removing yourself from the magnetic field or the pool of miracles. No matter how anointed your house is, it can not be a substitute for the house of God. Don’t toy with fellowshiping with the brethren in the house of God; make it a necessity as long as you live! Zion, the dwelling place of the Almighty God, is where giants are raised according to Psalms 87.