You are welcome to a new year, the year The Potter has determined to do something new, glorious and beautiful in your life. I greatly rejoice with you. The potter is taking you forward this year, so read on and be mightily blessed.
Maybe you have been going round the circle all these years, God is set to break that stagnation via this teaching. Life is all about “PERSONAL SINCERITY”. Only the sincere succeeds in life. If you are more sincere with yourself, you will succeed more in life. The major problem of humanity is insincerity. Many are not sincere, that is why they are not progressing, as they should. You can never succeed more than how sincere you are in life. Self-deception is the mother of all deception! You can hide from the Pastor, your friends, husband or wife, but not from yourself.
One of the major criteria for personal sincerity is known as “PERSONAL ASSESSMENT”- What is also known as “SELF EXAMINATION”. Until you assess yourself, you may never gain access to progress in life. Sit yourself down and ask yourself some soul-searching questions about your life. Be open to yourself if the door of progress must open to you. Ask yourself some questions about yourself! Why Was I on the same spot all through last year? PERSONAL ASSESSMENT! Why are things not working for me as they should? What am I doing wrong that needs to be right this year? PERSONAL ASSESSMENT! Personal Assessment determines personal progression. You can never make progress more than how much you assess yourself. As a housewife, maybe your husband is always beating and slapping you, sit down and ask yourself some questions, “Why is this man always slapping me”? Is your mouth over working against your husband? “Why are they always firing me at work”? “Why has no man proposed to me yet despite all my prayers and fasting? May be you are not “marriageable”.
2 CORINTHIANS 13: 5 “Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own self…” Don’t just be living year in and out, sit yourself down and ask yourself some truthful questions. Why have I been going to Church and yet not in touch with God? Put yourself before the mirror of yourself and critically examine yourself. What am I doing wrong that needs to be right in order for God to step right into my case?
There is a boy’s story I love so much in the Bible, many people call him the prodigal son but I call him the smart boy. This is his story according to LUKE 15: 11-23. The father had two of them but one day, he demanded for his own portion of the father’s wealth. He wasted the money and became broke and began to suffer and he sat down and advised himself on how to conquer his lack. His solution did not last, so one day; he called a “world conference” comprising himself and himself. Then he began to examine himself, where he missed it and traced his way back home, where he was welcomed, loved and honoured. He would have died if not for sitting himself down and tracing the genesis of his crises. Friends, critically assess yourself so that your case does not become too critical in 2010. Personal assessment bailed out the prodigal son from his predicaments. Whatever you don’t constantly assess will progressively decay.
You are the first accuse of your fortune or misfortune in life. People are fast in blaming others for whatever happens to them, when basically man is the architect of his fortune or misfortune. Please take your life very serious, whatever you have been doing all through for years and there is no positive result, sit down and think. Before you look upward in prayers, look inward! Before you call down fire on the source of your misfortune, be sure you are not the source.
PSALMS 90: 12 (Paraphrased) “Help us to weigh our progress with the number of years we have lived and if not balanced, give us wisdom to do better”. Those who are quick to accept blame easily find solution but those who shift blame, get blind to solution. The purpose of personal assessment is not for self-condemnation, but for positive motivation. This year, you shall go forward from glory to glory in Jesus name.