Another scriptural strategy for overcoming spiritual dryness is control. In every equipment, (especially mechanical equipment) you always have control valves, without which the equipment would not perform effectively. The human being can be likened to a machine; a piece of equipment that is designed to function efficiently and produce great results, so there is need for controls. When we talk about taking control over your life, we are talking about being disciplined. The best controller of your life is you. No man can control you better than you. No man can watch over your life better than you. So, it calls for acceptance of responsibility; taking up the challenge to rule over your life.
A man’s maturity, socially and spiritually, is measured by his ability to control himself. The truth is, the level to which you are able to control your life determines how ‘hot’ you would be as a Christian. When you lack control you end up being a cold believer because then, satan can easily drag you into many evil practices, even against your wish. You don’t like to do it but because you lack control, you just find yourself in it. (Continued in our next edition)
Why do we need control? The human body is like a horse that likes to go wherever it likes except it is bridled. That is why the Bible says that a perfect man is one who is able to bridle his mouth and his whole body (James 3:2). So, man needs control at all times so as not to go haywire and end in destruction. Every vehicle, no matter the speed limit, must have a brake system; otherwise it would be a death trap. The safety of every vehicle is in the efficiency of the brakes. In the same way, life requires a ‘good brake system’ in order to guarantee safe arrival at the desired destination. You hear some people say, “I am a man of my self, I can do whatever I like.” Such people live their lives without control only to find that what they thought was liberty is actually bondage.
Control begins from the mind. That is the engine room of life from where you monitor, determine or choose what to allow or disallow. And the best way to control your mind is to fill it with the word of God. Let God’s word be the moderator of your thoughts, imaginations and choices. Romans 12:2 says, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind...” Renew your mind with scriptures! Don’t just stop at reading, meditate on them and then make quality decisions to effect changes in the necessary areas of your life. That is the way to experience transformation.
Don’t let your mind run haywire, control your thoughts! “Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind…” (1 Peter 1:3). Your thoughts determine your actions and your actions determine your outcome in life.