Hello my dear readers, it's my privilege to share with you God's recent dealings with me.
A lot of Christian hold firm and fast to their denomination and can do just anything to defend it even if it means hurting JESUS who is the head of the Church.
How do you explain someone who has known you for some years and suddenly because you were directed by the Lord to move on for another assignment and since it is no longer with the former denomination, you instantly become an arch-enemy. Is this of God?
Anyone you have ever known has been known already even if he or she leaves your Church, are they still in the faith? If yes, they are still your friends!
Friends, the great commission cannot be accomplished by one denomination, just as your hand alone cannot carry out everything you need to do in life.
Be real, JESUS died for His body and not just your denomination. The relationship we share in Christ is STRONGER than the denomination you belong to. As long as you are saved, we are brothers and sisters in the Lord and that will not end here but remains till eternity. Your denomination ends here.
If you therefore destroy relationship (that is eternal) because of denomination (that is temporary) you could be compare to who the Bible calls a FOOL!
Wake up from your slumber my dear, and embrace the reality of Christianity. Not everyone is born to remain in a denomination for ever. if that was the case, we will never have most of the great denominations we have today.
Think on this word and may the good Lord grant you understanding in JESUS name.
Am also pleased to inform you that we now have a real website where you can also log onto to refresh your soul constantly and also partake of destiny allocation. It is: www.ruachministriesintl.org. And you can reach me personally with this web mail address:pastorsteves@ruachministriesintl.org or info@ruachministriesintl.org.
Blessed moment!