Mark 11:1-6, “And when they came nigh to Jerusalem…and they said unto them even as Jesus had commanded: and they let them go.”
To every promise of God there are people who, and situations which, will stand to question you. There is no free promise of God; every promise of God is tied to certain oppositions that are there to contend with you. They will seek explanations from you. Why do you think it should be your month of possibilities? Why do you think it should be yours? Why do you think you should prosper? Why do you think you should be smiling? Why do you think you should be married? Satan will always be there to question you. Every blessing of God is subject to questioning before it becomes a blessing. Promises are not blessings, promises are a picture of a blessing. Your picture is not you, your photograph is not you, it’s a picture of you. Promises are not blessings, they are pictures of blessings.
A colt is tied somewhere that belongs to you and there are people standing there and Jesus said they will question you. Don’t be surprised when you feel Satan is questioning you and your blessing. He doesn’t see why you should take your colt, he doesn’t see why you should ride on it, he doesn’t see why you should ride upon your high places. So while you are climbing up, he pulls your leg down. Don’t be surprised Satan is pulling your leg. Many believers are unaware of oppositions, so they are surprised when opposed. It is because he doesn’t want you to get that thing God promised you. Jesus said, ‘Some men will ask you when you are trying to loose that colt, whereon never man sat.’ So there is a blessing for you no man has ever sat on. It’s exclusive for you. That colt has been tied there waiting for somebody who will ride it and the person who will ride must be ready to loose. That you are not enjoying life does not mean that enjoyment is not in stock for you, it’s there. Enjoyment is waiting for you, but you have to pay the price.
You see the colt afar off, you go close to it “Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, …” Isaiah 43: 26. The word ‘plead’ means ‘to argue’. Argument is not just making a noise, argument is not: “it’s my own, it’s not my own”. Argument is intelligence. The baseline for argument is intelligence. Intelligible presentation of facts! That’s why a lawyer in the court doesn’t have to be shouting. He pleads his cases and then the judge adjusts his goggle and says “I’ve never heard this kind of thing before” and says “court rise” because the man is too confused so he goes to the chamber to put the case together and comes out, “Based on the facts before me, even though the young man didn’t do gyration, he said something intelligently, the case is ruled in favour of his client”.
God never keeps us unawares that Satan will question where we are going. Satan doesn’t see reason why you should grow; why your children should excel in school, so don’t be surprised if they bring the report card that your child came 20th in position. It’s a challenge to you, that doesn’t mean that that child will remain there permanently. So you do something about it. You carry the case and say Satan you know this child must be loosed because the front position belongs to him. The only reason why Satan has remained on the way of many of us is because we have not yet questioned him. He asks you, “what right do you have to loose the colt?” You ask him “what right do you have to hold down the colt?” Satan is only waiting for an intelligent presentation and opposition, oppose him. He doesn’t see a reason why you should have your child but you tell him your reasons. Jesus said, “If any man ask you why, tell him the Lord has need for it.”
“And they went their way.” When the Lord has told you something ahead of you, just go towards it. “…and found the colt.” They found that what God said was there. By the door in a place where two ways met. And then they went into action. They loosed him as the master told them. “And as they were loosing him certain of them that stood…” When you begin to do what God tells you to do, you seem to be making progress towards something and suddenly there is a stop somewhere, that is not an indication that you are on the wrong path. The children of Israel started off from Egypt, as they were going they met the red sea. Does that mean God has changed His mind? God has told them where to be going, He didn’t tell them to bother about what they will meet on the way. The in-between-experience on your journey is not as important as the end of the journey. You will meet in-betweens but don’t keep your eyes away from the end. As you meet them be tackling them with your hands but don’t let your eyes shift from your goal. There will certainly be obstacles, for you to think there won’t be obstacle on your way is a dummy thinking. As they began to loose the colt some came and said, ‘Hey, stop! What do ye, loosing the colt?” They said unto them even as Jesus has commanded. If you are operating by the command of the Lord you will be let go. And they let them go, not because they were powerful but they said Jesus had commanded them. So the secret of our “possibilities” is a “thus saith the Lord.” This is the key word I want you to take note of. So if I were you I will not let thus saith the Lord depart from my mouth. When you say as the Lord has commanded, you will see as the Lord has promised. You will see as you have desired. What has the Lord said about you? Keep saying it and you will see what He has promised come to pass. He has promised to give you peace, joy, success, abundance, children, home, growth, to multiply you, build you like cities without wall, make your case possible. Say it and see it! “and they let them go”; no further questioning. “Thus saith the Lord” is the finality in all issues of life. After a “thus saith the Lord” there is no further questioning. For when the Lord commanded who can say what says thou? Like Ezekiel 37, ‘…and I prophesied as I was commanded and as I did that to my amazement while I was prophesying bones were locating bones and I prophesied again as He commanded. As I did that, the wind began to blow, life began to emerge. It’s the same principle everywhere, at all times, in all generations. Remember what led the children of Israel to go out of Egypt was what Moses said, ‘Thus said the Lord let my people go’ and in Exodus 12:32 hear what Pharaoh said, ‘Also take your flocks and your herds, as ye have said, and be gone’.
If it is a “thus saith the Lord” you are saying it may be contested but it will certainly win, so don’t stop saying it. Moses had to say it about ten times, but he eventually went because “forever O Lord thy Word is settled in heaven.” (Psalms 119: 89) The Word of the Lord endureth forever. Argument of men may not endure but God’s Word endureth forever. Arguments may come but they cannot endure as much as the Word. And when they said as it was commanded they let them go, they let them go with their colt and their blessings, into their destinies. You will not be let go if you are not saying as you are commanded. I see you go particularly in this month. It’s what you can loose that you can ride. So don’t blame anybody for not riding yet. Do you want to ride? Go and loose. You are not qualified to ride if you are not ready to loose. The colt you will ride, you must go to loose. You have need for money? Loose it. You want to ride a colt? Go and loose one. It is the one they loosed for Jesus that he rode. He said I’ve seen it somewhere, go and loose it, bring it here, for the Lord has need for it. Anything you need, go and loose. You are in need not because of unavailability; you are in need because you have failed to loose what belongs to you, because of inaction, because of intimidation, doubt. Loose him for the Lord has need for it. Anything you discover that is yours loose it because the Lord has need for it. He wants to glorify his name in your life, He’s happier when he sees you happy. He’s happier when he sees you making advancement. You will ride upon your high places.
Promises plus prophecy that is commanded is what becomes a blessing. God said to Ezekiel, I promise you they shall live. And Ezekiel said how shall this be? He said okay prophesy. So promises plus prophesy equal a blessing. You have the promises no doubt, plenty of them but promises are idle, passive, weak, inactive without a command, which we call prophecy. Promises are for all but blessings are for few. Promises are free but blessings are not free. If wishes were horses beggars will ride! If promises are blessings all beggars will be eating but they are not. You turn promises into blessings as you prophesy.
I decree that my God will cause his face to shine upon you and make your crooked path straight, give you joy and peace, establish you in righteousness. Open the two-leaved doors before you, make sure that your gates are not shut to blessings. Your various colts are loosed today. And anyone who queries their being loosed loses his life for it. At the command of the Lord I say go and ride on your colt. Enjoy strange open doors this month. That colt that has been reserved which no one has ridden upon, go and ride it! Enjoy God’s blessing. God is on your side.
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