Your life is a gift from God, what you do with it is the gift to your world, to your generation. You are not living until you come to understand that you are a gift to your world. You are not qualified to live until you realize and appreciate the fact that you are a gift to your world. Your life is a gift from God, what you do with it is your gift to the world. There is this moving story of Joseph. His brothers sold him and they thought that was the end of his life. If you are a gift from God your life cannot be terminated. There maybe some cloud, some suspension, some delay, if you are a gift from God you will soon emerge. Your life is a gift from God, what you do with it is your gift to the world.
I want to say that the best thing to do with your life to make it a gift to your world, it is to be prepared to serve. Your service to the world is your gift to the world. Your gift to the world is expressed via your service to the world. I want to believe that the primary reason for living is serving. Your actual value in life is determined by your service. You cannot be more valuable to your community than how much and how well you serve the community; and Joseph had this lifestyle! Before he was sold out by his brethren he was serving. When he was in slavery he was serving. They put him in prison he was serving; he came out of prison he was still serving that’s why his name has refused to die.
When your natural life span is over, your service keeps speaking for you. So your service prolongs your tenor of living. A man’s service to his world prolongs his tenor of living, prolongs his life span. Servants actually live longer than their days. The more committed your service is, the more the generation after you will speak of you. The true value of a man is the service he has rendered to his generation. Do you want to be valuable? Serve with all your heart at every stage of life. Service is not a function of position; service is a mission, a purpose. It is not the position that you occupy that determines your service. Service is a lifetime event. I said Joseph served before he left his father’s house. It was food he took to his brothers when they arrested him. He served them till they sold him and they thought they had finished him. You can’t finish a gift, a man who’s serving. They sold him and when he got to his new house of slavery he was still serving, he served his way up and from there they sold him out again, they put him in prison, he was still serving in prison. It’s not a function of position, office; it’s an attitude, an all lifetime event. He got to the house of Pharaoh he was still serving, the Bible said, he interpreted the dream yet he refused the position. He told the king, I suggest that you look for a man that will look after this matter. He served all his life. The same thing with David and Daniel! Concerning David the Bible says when he had served his generation, David was not a king, he was a slave, a servant. Please make yourself a gift to your generation no matter the position you occupy. Paul the apostle in 1 Corinthians 9:18 said, ‘But I use not this power.’ He was talking about the right he had in the Corinthians church. He said I do not use this power even though I have the power. He said I abuse not my power in the gospel verse 18, he said I make the gospel of Christ without charge lest I abuse my power in the gospel. Those are deadly dogged servants. He said for necessity is laid upon me. Woe be me if I do not this thing. He saw himself as a gift, gifts don’t misbehave. Jesus told the parable of a man whose master went on a journey and entrusted the assignment to him and when the master left he said I think I am in charge. And Jesus said, ‘Blessed is that man who when his Lord shall come shall find him so doing.’ Shall find him so faithful, so committed.
Genesis 45:1-7, “Then Joseph could not refrain himself… deliverance.” Can you hear a servant speaking? God sent me to preserve life. He didn’t say God sent me to oppress you. Your actual value in life is determined by your ability to serve. Living is serving and serving is living. And there is no one that serves this way that does not end at the peak of life. The glory of God is reserved for servants of God. Only servants of God qualify for the glory of God. I pray that God will give you an understanding heart. Serve your way up. The scripture is full of stories of men that rose up by this common attribute, they were servants, they counted themselves as gifts to their world, gift from God and they put that gift to use in service to affect their world and they touched their generation. “How God anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth with Holy Ghost and power who went about,” that’s not the man that should go about. He said if they won’t come I will go. They called him, master, come, he said, I am coming. If it is to heal somebody, I am coming. He served His world and today the world now adores Him. Servants today will attract adoration tomorrow. Your world will adore you tomorrow if you serve her today. I am glad it has worked in my life, I am sold out, I want to serve and serve. Please don’t mind position, don’t look for position, and don’t cry for title, it does not last. I tell myself don’t struggle for seat. Stand to serve so that when you sit down the seat can fit you. I know many people in the past who are seated in exalted positions but are no longer there. Seats don’t last. Saul was seated on the throne, he didn’t last there. David went to serve, his throne is still on till today, 3,000 years after David declared Jerusalem as the city of God, and they are still celebrating him. Saul was seated on the throne, the throne was shifted. Serve your generation!
Let your soul keep crying, ‘What can I do to help others, my family members, my children? Parents who serve their children today will eat the fruit tomorrow. “He that tendeth the fig tree shall eat the fruit thereof.” Serve your children, your parents, your neighbours, your husband, your wife; you will eat the fruit tomorrow. You see those whose homes are scattered today, regret pains, why? No investment yesterday. Remember those who serve today will be adored tomorrow. If you are truly ready to serve you can’t lack creativity. All that David used to face Goliath was service mentality. The man who had power was seated on the throne. It’s not power that makes people excel. There was none as powerful as Saul, yet he couldn’t face Goliath. Power doesn’t last as much as service does. Power cannot be stretched as much as service can be stretched. So get ready to serve today, get ready to work today. Don’t be gain motivated, be service driven. I look forward to a great month for you; a season of harvest, when indeed your destiny, dreams and expectations will surely come to pass in Jesus name!
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