You may have been wondering, “Why do we talk so much about the name of Jesus? What’s in a name?” You must realize that names are not ordinary. Names represent persons, it represents their character and attracts their presence. That is why whatever you call is what answers to you.
Look at this way: If you want to get the attention of somebody who is somewhere inside your house but not in the same room with you, what do you do? You call his name. And as soon as he hears his name, he will respond and begin to move in the direction of that call. That is what happens even in the spiritual realm, every time a name is called, the personality behind that name responds.
Whatever you call is what you attract. When blind Bartimaeus cried out in the crowd, “Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me.” The Bible says, Jesus stood still and called for him. At the end of the day, he received his sight. Blind Bartimaeus was not the only person at that scene; I believe there may have been other beggars sitting by the wayside with him. As a matter of fact the Bible says there was a great crowd of people following Jesus but only one man got His attention because he called upon His name.
Jesus is still alive today, so every time you want to get His attention, simply call His name. When you call His name, He responds. That is why He said, “If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it” (John 14:14). Every time you ask for any thing in the name of Jesus, He literally stands up in heaven to answer you. And because Jesus responds to His name, it also means that every time you call that name you attract His presence. His presence is the answer to all pressures of life. When Jesus is with you satan can’t harass you!
We are told in Mark chapter 6 that after a crusade, Jesus sent His disciples ahead in a boat, while He stayed back in the mountains to pray. As they got to the middle of the sea the wind became contrary to them and the disciples started toiling and struggling to keep the boat afloat. But then, Jesus came walking on the sea to meet them and as soon as He stepped into the boat, the Bible says, “The wind ceased…” (Mark 6:45-51). Every wind of life that is contrary to you will cease at the presence of the Master. When Jesus is with you, struggling and toiling must give way.
The Bible says, “…And about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them, walking upon the sea, and would have passed by them.” The disciples had to do something to get Jesus’ attention. “…they…cried out: And immediately he talked with them…” (Mark 6:48-50). So, the major purpose for a name is to be able to attract the attention of the bearer and to get Him to carry out the functions associated with that name. Jesus is the saviour, the Healer, the Redeemer. When you call His name you get His attention, you provoke His presence and He comes to save, to heal and to do whatever you desire of Him.
Do have a blessed week in Jesus name, Amen!
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