Somebody rightly said, “Good is the enemy of best.” People sometimes become so satisfied with their past successes that they don’t press for anything higher and before they know it, they become obsolete. Whatever level you are now, is not your rest, so don’t settle there like concrete. Standards are changing everyday. The success of yesterday cannot match the standards of today. As a matter of fact, yesterday’s success, if it is not improved upon, becomes failure today.
Where you are now is already tired of you, in case you are not tired of it. A higher place is waiting for you! The turbulence you are going through now is an indication that you are long overdue for a change. And like I said in the previous article, when you are due for a change and you don’t move, God organizes some ‘heat’ around you to forcefully move you forward. So when you begin to see some unpleasant situations or challenges around you, before you bind the devil, tell yourself, “I am due for a change.”
You must keep moving because you need to create space for those coming behind you. They are eager to take your place, so when you don’t move they get tired of you and overtake you. You are either moving or you are pushed out of the way. Sometimes the things that are pursuing you are simply helping you to arrive your destination earlier than you planned.
A young man in our local assembly encountered that kind of change a few years ago. He testified that as I was teaching one day, I said, “There are some of you who are sleeping on beds that do not belong to you. May the owner become angry with you and take it from you.” That word turned something on inside him because he had been squatting in somebody’s house for long and everything about his life was stagnated. So he bought the tape of that teaching and kept listening to it. The first night he heard the message, he got to where he was squatting and moved his things from the bedroom to the living room, in readiness to move out. The summary of the long story is that he got his own apartment and moved out of that house. And as soon he did that, God gave him speed concerning his wedding, which he had been planning for years. In no time, he was able to get married and settled down as a young man should!
Micah 2:10 says, “Arise ye, and depart; for this is not your rest: because it is polluted, it shall destroy you, even with a sore destruction.” It is dangerous to remain on one spot because after some time, your celebrated success becomes polluted. If you stay on there, it would destroy you and if you stay a bit longer, it will destroy you with a sore destruction. That means stagnation leads to irreparable destruction. That will not be your portion, in Jesus name!
People become stagnated because they refuse to move when they ought to. It pains me to see people with great potentials becoming stagnated in life. There are people who used to be ‘stars’ in their careers, but because they refused to change position, they have been left behind and all the younger folks who came many years after, have overtaken them. Now they are full of castigations and backbiting. This happens in every field of endeavour, every one who is not making progress will ultimately castigate the one that is making progress.
Arise and depart! Initiate progress for your self! Take steps and you will be surprised how fast you will rise to heights beyond your imagination. Don’t let stagnation catch up with you! You can change whatever you don’t like in your life by thinking of how to introduce something new. You have the power to change your failure into success. It simply begins in the mind, once you start thinking of a way out, ideas will begin to flow into your mind and in a short while, you know the next step to take.
Ideas dwell in the womb of initiative and initiative is the first step towards change. That is why anytime you see stagnation trying to settle with you in any area of your life, you must react against it because what you don’t oppose in your mind, you will soon approve. And once you have approved it, you can’t change it. What you refuse to change soon becomes corrupted and eventually leads to destruction. Your reaction against stagnation is the proof of your desire for a change.
Nothing has the power to change itself, every change is initiated by someone. Stop waiting for a change, it’s time to accept responsibility and begin to initiate changes in your life. You don’t have to endure that terrible situation! Stop watching darkness take over your life, start initiating changes that will take you from where you are to where you ought to be!
You are the best...I like the way you write...so rich with words.