Christianity is a call to responsibility, that is why it is reserved for those who are willing to do something about their lives; and life as it were is like a game. Your input determines your output! Just as stars in the world of sports are made through rigorous, committed and non-compromising exercises, so also is Christianity. Paying the price is what gets you the prize as a Christian. We are in a race that demands necessity not convenience, that is why we are called soldiers. The Bible in 2 Timothy 2: 3 says, “...Endure hardness as a good soldier of Christ.” It says “hardness” not “hardship.” Hardship refers to suffering but hardness means discipline, responsibility and consistency in the race. One of the ways to maintain a disciplined life is via a walk with God.
Your source determines your resources. It is the root that determines the fruit. If you want to change the fruit of any tree you must first change the root. If you want clean water, treat the source. There is nothing a man has that will not be exhausted except he locates the source. It is your connection to the source that guarantees daily supply. I discovered in the Bible that all men that excelled had this feature; they were personally linked with God. They walked with God and as a result they made it in life.
Who you walk with determines who you become. You cannot walk with God and live as a weakling on earth. A walk with God is the secret of triumph and victory; it is the source of all manifestations and the master key to diversities of unparalleled achievements in life. It makes you undefeatable by the enemy. I have found this to be the greatest anchor of life. I love Elijah’s statement in 1 kings 17: 1, He said, “As the Lord lives before whom I stand...” Where are you standing this month? What is your heartbeat this month? Is God in your programme? And how much of Him is there? Let your soul pant for God. Let there be a renewing, an establishing and strengthening of your personal relationship with Him. That is the foundation for a successful destiny! Shalom!
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