Divine promises will forever remain as promises unless someone discovers the secret to realize them. To every promise, there are secrets behind them! This is why many have the promises yet can’t hold the content of the promise. Many have the promise of divine health for example that “by the stripe of Jesus we were healed” yet still die in their sickness. Is God a liar? Far be it for the Almighty to lie! What is missing that is making us miss out of God blessings in our lives?
Friends, there are secrets that make the promises a reality. Until these secrets are discovered and diligently obeyed, we keep missing out. These secrets to me are known as covenant responsibilities. Only a ‘covenantly’ responsible man will the blessing of God respond to. You don’t claim the promises; you search out what you need to do for the promise to manifest in your life.
For example God has promised you and I divine health, but in Exodus 23: 25-26, the secret that makes that promise a reality is found. It says, if you serve God will the totality of your being, you will have nothing remaining in you with which to serve sickness and disease. He has promised to supply all our needs but only when we are set to be a source of supply towards His kingdom also. It is not the size that matters to God; it is the act, the habit and the attitude.
Every promise God has made to you, go back into His word and search out your own covenant responsibility and when you have discovered it, obey it and very soon your blessings shall be uncovered and the world will rejoice with you. Shalom!
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